Category Archives: Chemicals in Skincare

The Dirty Dozen Chemicals to Avoid in your Skincare

This post was originally published on the The Primal Shift. The Primal Shift is a podcast hosted by Crystal Fieldhouse and Jo Litton Click the player above to listen to this Podcast episode In today’s podcast episode we’re going to be talking low-tox skincare… because as the creator of Ecology Skincare, one of the most common […]

Supercharging your Skincare Regime with the 180 Nutrition Boys

I had a chat with Guy and Stu on the 180 Nutrition Podcast about where we might be going wrong with our skin care routines and what we can do instead to simplify our skin care regime and support our skin from within. Check out the video below or listen to the episode here: We […]

3 Skincare Mistakes Women Make and How to Avoid Them

What if the products you’re using on your skin – the mass produced commercial cleansers and moisturisers – were actually making your skin issues worse? What if those products were drying out your skin and contributing to redness, irritation, acne and speeding up visible signs of aging? It boggles the mind doesn’t it? Here’s another […]

[FREE DOWNLOAD] Ecology Bathroom Detox Checklist

The Ecology Bathroom Detox Checklist IMAGE

We often see helpful lists of the highly processed chemicals to avoid in our skincare products. But I’m often left wanting a better way of grouping the information so it’s more useful when I’m standing in my bathroom or in a store looking at the ingredients lists. So I decided to create the Ecology Bathroom Detox […]

MBB#5: Food, Mood & Make-up with Vanessa Breden

mind body beauty Vanessa Breden Ecology Skincare

In this episode of Mind Body Beauty, I talk with Vanessa Breden from Transformations Beyond Beauty about her wellness journey, her thoughts on what Beyond Beautiful really means and her tips for choosing and using make-up (especially for those of us with sensitive skin or skin issues like acne and rosacea) Vanessa owns a Wellness […]

How to Make Natural Skincare Simple

Simple is good Ecology Skincare

This is a transcript and recording from The Primal Shift Podcast where my Primal Shift co-host, Jo and I talk about Natural Skincare, how Ecology Skincare came to be developed in the first place and the Ecology Skincare ethos: Simple is Good and Less is More In this episode we each chat about our own skin challenges […]

Which 5 Types of Processed Chemicals to Avoid in your Body Wash & Why

In this blog and video series we’re taking a look at the processed chemicals in body washes and liquid soaps and the effect these can have on us, especially if like me you have particularly dry skin, sensitive skin or skin issues like acne or eczema. The skin is the largest organ in our bodies and […]

How to Interpret Skincare Labels and Choose Good Personal Care Products

As a long time sufferer of acne and dermatitis, I was surprised and ecstatic when my skin cleared up after cleaning up my diet. In the words of Dr Libby Weaver, Beauty really is an inside job! …and Feeding your skin from within can make such a huge difference to the health and appearance of […]

What is your Acid Mantle and Why is it so Important for Skin Health?

If you have super dry, itchy or sensitive skin that goes red or flakey if you step outside and go for a brisk walk in the dry winter air, then you’ll be interested in finding out what our very intriguingly named acid mantle is and why it’s so important to preserve it So what is […]

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