[FREE DOWNLOAD] Ecology Bathroom Detox Checklist

The Ecology Bathroom Detox Checklist IMAGE

We often see helpful lists of the highly processed chemicals to avoid in our skincare products.

But I’m often left wanting a better way of grouping the information so it’s more useful when I’m standing in my bathroom or in a store looking at the ingredients lists.

So I decided to create the Ecology Bathroom Detox Checklist!

This Bathroom Detox Checklist:

  • Is grouped by the common products we use everyday, so you can quickly and easily see the chemicals best avoided in your individual skincare products
  • Includes suggestions for natural alternatives to the chemicals in your cosmetics
  • Products include: Body Washes, Shampoos, Conditioners, Facial Cleansers and Moisturisers, Body moisturisers, Sunscreens, Make-up, Deodorant, Shaving Cream and Toothpaste
  • Has 2 versions. A colourful PDF for viewing on devices and a black and white version for printing

It makes a Bathroom Audit of your personal care products super easy!


Bathroom Detox Checklist

Ecology Bathroom Detox Checklist

It’s broken down by personal care item, so you can quickly and easily pick up a product and know what to look out for in the ingredient list

    Let me know what you think!



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