How to Create More You Time in a Busy Day

Are you one of those women who would love to go to a yoga class, get a massage, or have a nice, relaxing bath …but you just don’t have the time?

I know how you feel!

Here at Ecology, we’re not just all about skin care.

We’re about self care and taking that time out for you!

We want to help you go from feeling stressed, overwhelmed, and beyond tired …to feeling more productive, calm, and refreshed.

So you can love the life you’re in and live happier in your own skin!

(If you haven’t seen the last video yet, definitely watch that one first.
We talked about how you can balance your to-do list with small celebrations and rewards that will help your productivity and leave you feeling calmer and more relaxed)

The comments I’ve been hearing most often from you busy women are around not having enough time in your day to fit everything in …let along taking extra time out for yourself!

So, I’m going to share
3 great ways you can create more ‘you’ time in your busy day

The first one is to…


Find your time wasters, those things that just soak up your time, or the things you do while you’re procrastinating. It might be email, social media, housework, or picking up after the kids. Find them and either schedule them with a time limit, or delete them, delegate, outsource them, or batch them.

And that brings me to the second one…


Batching things together with other similar tasks. You can set a timer and just whiz through them all at once, and then move on. You can have a power hour for house cleaning, food prep for a couple of days, answering emails, or checking social media.

And third…


Prioritise just your three most important tasks for the day. The tasks that will move you closer to your bigger goals.
This will help you to cut down on the overwhelm and stop you from getting lost in the laundry list of to-dos and tasks.

And remember, every time you do one of these important tasks, celebrate or reward yourself with a mindful pause or a longer full-stop.

Even just using a few of these tools, and those I’ve talked about in the last few videos, will help you feel calmer, more productive, and more in control of your life.

…so you can feel good about taking time out for yourself and doing those things that are good for you and make you feel happy.

So what are you going to do with all this extra time in your day?

Well, there’s a really lovely way you can reward yourself that will also relax your body, calm your mind, and smooth your skin …and, it’s one of my favorite self-care practices. Which is why I’ve turned it into an Ecology Self Care product.

It’s a replenishing blend of natural mineral salts to help you relax and unwind while soaking in a bath, or a foot bath.

This blend of pure Epsom Salts and Dead Sea salts is rich in magnesium, sulfate, bromide, and other trace minerals which absorb easily into the skin to soothe, soften and replenish your skin, relax and detox your body, and calm your mind and nervous system.

Group (500g + 1kg)transparent SQ-min

Sounds pretty good, right?

I know what you’re thinking… “This does all sound amazing! …and I have the best of intentions, but I just don’t wind up doing these things for myself.”

Well, to make these self care practices into healthy habits, start by putting into place everything we’ve talked about so far. And I promise, you’ll find you’ll have more time in your day.
Be okay with letting go of the less important tasks and non-urgent things.

So Step #1 is to Prioritise YOU

Your time out for self care is incredibly important to your health and happiness.
Your to-do list will always be there. But remember, taking time out for self care will help you be more productive, calmer, and better able to look after your family, meet work deadlines, run a smooth household – all better than before.

Then Step #2, schedule your time out for self-care in your calendar, diary, or planner

And remember that rewards and celebrations matched to your to-do list work really well!
So, celebrate with a relaxing bath or a foot bath at the end of the day.

And Step #3, have physical and electronic reminders for your self-care timeouts

You could put cute sticky notes where you’ll see them: on the bathroom mirror, on the fridge, or your computer.




Put your bag of mineral bath salts in visible spots around the house, places where you’ll see it and remember your intention to have a relaxing bath.


Now, you might be thinking… “Baths take too long. I have to get all wet. It will take ages to relax. And, I’ll just get interrupted anyway”

So, why not have a foot bath?

They can be quick and super easy. You can sit on the couch for 20 minutes with your feet soaking in our mineral bath salts, absorbing all those relaxing minerals through your skin …helping you feel calmer and more relaxed, and get a good night sleep – all while still being available to your family or in reach of your laptop.

This is one instance where multi-tasking might just work for you.

Now, you might be thinking… “I don’t have a foot bath”

Well, you don’t need one. You just need to get a little creative. And these are the various receptacles I’ve used for a foot bath over the years…

An ice bucket
An ice bucket
A cooler (chilly bin) and a plastic running box
A cooler (chilly bin) and a plastic Bunnings box

And I’m sure you have something at home that could double as a foot bath!

Now, I’m really excited to give you the opportunity to
experience our Ecology Self Care products for yourself!


Ecology Skincare Replenishing Mineral Bath Salt 1kg



The Special Offer Deets:

For a limited time, when you pick up either a 500g or a 1kg bag of Ecology Replenishing Mineral Salts, you’ll also receive 3 great bonuses that will really help you turn your self care timeouts into habits and rituals. They will leave you feeling calmer, more relaxed, and more focused.

The first bonus is a cute pad of self care sticky notes

As I mentioned in the last video, these cute self care sticky notes are great to put on your bathroom mirror,your fridge, computer …or anywhere as a physical reminder to take time out for yourself

The second bonus is a mindful pause PDF and a guided 3-minute breathing space audio

The 3-minute breathing space is one of the mindful pauses I mentioned in the first video

And the third bonus is a guided relaxation audio

That you can use while you’re soaking in your bath or footbath to help you relax and unwind …even further. It’s like a super boost to your self-care timeout.

In the meantime, if you liked this video and blog post, please like, share, and comment below.
Ask us questions. Tell us what works for you. And if there’s someone, anyone you know, who might need a little more calm and self care in their lives, please invite them to watch or read by clicking on the share buttons below.

And remember, be realistic about what you can achieve in a day.
You’re one woman, not Super Woman!

Wishing you silky smooth skin,


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