Ecology Skincare Launch Party

10007006_418772794929012_1113974839_nEcology Skincare and The Paleo Cafe Mornington Peninsula are teaming up to celebrate the launch of the Ecology Skincare Day & Night Creams.

When: Friday 9th May

Where: Paleo Cafe Mornington Peninsula,
89 Main Street, Mornington (Map)

Time: 7pm onwards

This will be a relaxed, social event with some truly excellent Paleo nibbles and an opportunity to connect with Crystal & Andrew from Ecology Skincare, Meghann & Andrew from The Paleo Cafe Mornington Peninsula, Charby and Jo from The Primal Shift Podcast, others in the Melbourne Paleo community and in the Mornington Peninsula community.

There will also be some door prizes on the night!!

This is also a chance for Crystal to share the very Paleo-friendly Ecology Creams, some background on the products and to thank all of those who have supported the 12 month journey to launch this amazing new skincare brand.

Anyone & Everyone is more than welcome to come along
and celebrate with us!


Paleo Cafe - Food Feature


 Please RSVP to the Ecology Skincare Facebook Page: HERE



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