Meet Liz – “Years ago I couldn’t think of anything worse than going out without my makeup on…now I feel more comfortable in my skin”

From gardening with the grandkids to walking with friends on cold winter mornings, Liz’s Replenishing Cream is helping to calm the redness and lumpiness of her rosacea prone skin…

This is Liz’s story…

I was diagnosed with MS in 2007, so that’s where it sort of started… I always thought I was pretty healthy, but when I had that diagnosis, I had to really look at what I could do to get on the path of trying to feel better in myself.

I found out about the Overcoming MS Diet. It was put together by a professor who had MS himself. So that got me on the healthy eating path and I was exercising as well… but I was still working full time and I did have a very stressful job.

I’m not sure if it’s hereditary or the stress or a bit of everything… but that was when my rosacea flared up.
It looked like a heat rash with a pinkish pigment and it was also lumpy. So of course I’d put makeup on it.

The doctor wanted to give me a topical antibiotic cream and that was the only thing that was clearing up my rosacea, but he said to me “you can’t go out in the sun”,
I got sick of putting chemicals on my skin, so I started looking into the skincare.

In the past, I had tried lots of things that I’d seen advertised or someone had told me about.
A lot of it was word of mouth, they’d say, “Oh my God, I’m using this cream, it’s so great.”

And over the years, the money that I spent on creams! …sometimes it would work, and sometimes I’d think, “My God, you have children and you just can’t afford it. You can’t afford $80,”  …I’m talking 10-15 years ago, $80 for a bottle of moisturiser… it’s just ridiculous

Now, I try not to put a lot of stuff on my skin, even moisturisers because you read the back… and they’ve got so many ingredients, that just puts me off.

I did a soap making course with a friend and I started making basic skincare for myself, but as I’ve gotten older my skin has got more ‘thirsty’ so when I saw Ecology Skincare pop up on Facebook I thought “Oh this sounds pretty good, I’ll give this a go”

I tried the three little sample pots to start off with and I really liked them. I liked them better than the creams I was making …it was a no brainer, I didn’t have to do it myself and sourcing a lot of those ingredients is pretty pricey as well.

All that lumpiness and redness in my skin has gone now. I’m not saying that the Ecology Cream’s done it alone… I’ve been eating well and exercising and I try not to put a lot of stuff on my skin.

What didn’t work for Liz

Stress was the biggest thing. I finished work about four years ago and it’s definitely taken all that time to really slowly settle down.

What has worked for Liz

Thinking outside the square. Trying to think… “I don’t want to be mainstream, I don’t want to keep popping pills and injections”. And same with my MS, I just wanted to be a bit more in control of it and not have tablets or medications for this and that

I love walking. Where I live, we’ve got this beautiful lake that you can walk around, and it’s 6km… so I’ll meet up with some of my friends and we’ll walk around the lake for our catch up.

Keeping up with my friends
is great. I don’t let winter stop me… we rug up in scarves, beanies, coats, and we get outside into that cold, fresh air.

I like walking anywhere, in a park or the lake… or just even suburbia and just checking out people’s gardens, because I love to garden
I also like to go to the gym four nights a week, and I’ve got a great PT that kicks my butt, but also knows that I’ve got limitations and he’s really good, he keeps me on track.

The Overcoming MS Diet. I love food… I don’t really like cooking, but if it tastes good, I do it. I’ve got a Thermomix so that makes it easy for me to make food I love to eat. Like meat and veggies and mash and fish… and in winter we love our soups and stews

I do love working in the garden as well

And spending time with my grandkids, I love seeing them and I have more time to now I’m retired.
I’ve got two daughters, and they both can’t believe that the grandchildren are more important than them!

Ecology Replenishing Cream. As I’ve got older my skin’s gotten really thirsty …with my grandchildren and with my garden and walking I’m outside a lot, so I’m getting a lot of sun. My cream keeps my skin really moist, and I feel like I don’t have as many lines.

I haven’t got the rosacea bumps now, so my skin’s definitely smooth. Where my cheekbones are, it was from there down, but my left side was worse than my right. So it sort of goes under my chin a bit.
The redness has gone away. All I’ve got left is that pigment, which I don’t think it will ever go away. I personally think it’s been caused by the sun using that cream that my doctor prescribed me, I reckon it’s like sun damage.

I actually put my Replenishing Cream on my arms and legs as well because I love the feel of it, it’s just so nice and I know my skin is not leaching in chemicals


Before, if you’d asked me to go out to the shops without makeup, I always said, “Oh no, I’ve got to put my makeup on.”

Whereas now I feel more comfortable in my skin, like I’m sort of almost proud of my skin because I’m nearly going to be 55 and I think my skin looks quite good for a 54 year old.

And I don’t know whether that’s come with age, but years ago I couldn’t think of anything worse than going out without my makeup on. And my skin just feels better now, and so when I do wear makeup I don’t really like the feel of it anymore neither, so as soon as I get home I take it all off.

~ Liz

Redness Prone Skin Trial Pack – 9g (10mL) Minis

From: $36

These are our recommendations for skin that’s prone to redness or skin reddening conditions
With this trial pack, you can see which suits you best…


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Sensitive Skin Trial Pack – 9g (10mL) Minis

From: $36

These are our recommendations for Sensitive Skin
With this trial pack, you can see which suits you best…


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Dry Skin Trial Pack – 9g (10mL) Minis

From: $36

These are our suggestions for Dry or Sun Damaged Skin
With this trial pack, you can see which suits you best…


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Dry Skin Conditions Trial Pack – 9g (10mL) Minis

From: $24

These are our suggestions for trying on skin prone to dry skin conditions.
With this trial pack, you can see which suits you best…


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Breakout Prone Skin Trial Pack – 9g (10mL) Minis

From: $36

These are our recommendations for skin that’s prone to breakouts
With this trial pack, you can see which suits you best…


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Combination / Normal Skin Trial Pack – 9g (10mL) Minis

From: $36

These are our recommendations for Combination / Normal Skin
With this trial pack, you can see which suits you best…


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We are beyond happy for Liz!

It’s such a massive win when you finally find something that calms redness and softens fine lines, leaving skin looking and feeling smoother… and leaving you feeling more comfortable to leave the house without makeup on.

Now you might be wondering why Liz’s Replenishing Cream works so well for her, when in the past only her topical antibiotic helped her rosacea…

There’s some research that suggests that people with rosacea have less long-chain saturated fatty acids in their skin, which can affect your skin’s natural barrier function.

When our barrier function becomes disrupted, this is when water can escape from our skin and allergens and irritants can get in and contribute to redness and irritation.

The Ecology Creams are handmade with a little known ingredient called grass-fed tallow.

Grass-fed tallow is a gently rendered fat (like emu oil), but it comes from healthy, grass-fed cows

(so this isn’t for our vegan friends!)

Grass-fed tallow closely mimics the fats and oils we have naturally in skin. So it soaks in nicely and helps support skin’s barrier function, keeping allergens and irritants out and moisture in. Tallow also contains anti-inflammatory fatty acids and longer chain saturated fats. 

…so it helps to calm redness and leave skin looking plump and well hydrated.

Grass-fed tallow also:

  1. Contains fat soluble vitamins A, D, E & K …all of which are crucial for healthy skin (some of these are also antioxidants)
  2. Is balanced in omega 3’s and 6’s …both are important for healthy skin and balancing immune function

Not only that, as we get older, our skin produces less of those lipids (the fats and oils) that keep it soft, supple and youthful looking.
…so grass-fed tallow is putting back what time and a harsh environment takes away.

Like Liz, I struggled with redness and easily irritated skin for years.

My super sensitive skin and skin issues are what led me to developing the Ecology Creams in the first place.
…I’d finally found something that worked well for me and I wanted to share it with others

And because I know how important it can be to try a ‘trial size’ of something before getting a larger size, we’ve put together Trial Packs of our Ecology Creams.

You can now try a 2-pack or 3-pack of our 10mL mini moisturisers from only $18 (so only $9 per moisturiser) …and get free shipping when you use the code: TRIAL at checkout

and see for yourself the difference an Ecology Moisturiser can make for sensitive and problem skin

(this is a great size! It’ll last a couple of weeks, long enough to see the softening effect for yourself)

So click on the button below that best describes your skin to see which moisturisers are right for you…

Ecology Skincare

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