Meet Cindy – “My facial therapist said to me… ‘keep using whatever you are using, your skin is well hydrated, clear and glowing'”

While working 12 hour days in the harshest of environments, Cindy’s Daily Moisturiser with Ylang Ylang and Kakadu Plum is helping keep her skin clear, well hydrated and glowing… to the point where this almost 60 year old is often complimented on her skin and her facial therapist say’s “keep using whatever you’re using!”

This is Cindy’s story…

“I’ve been down the road of trying “brand” products, but it’s natural products for me that really work. I’m turning 60 next month and for my longevity and continued good health, I only want to use products that derive from Mother Nature and are free from chemicals and other nasties.

I work a week on / week off in a very harsh, dirty environment in an underground mine – driving trucks.
…so keeping my skin clean is essential, as is a simple routine.

I first tried Ecology products as I wanted to use a natural product without the nasties and a product made from beef tallow made sense to me.
It was also important to me to support an Australian business as well.

I’ve been using Ecology moisturisers for the last 2 years and love the texture and scent of the Kakadu Plum.
Because I work in an underground mine, therefore I have regular deep cleansing facials…
One time, my facial therapist said to me… “keep using whatever you are using on your skin as your skin is well hydrated, clear and your skin is glowing”.

At the end of a hard 12 hour working day, I gently cleanse my face with the Konjac sponge then use a small amount of the daily moisturiser with Ylang Ylang and Kakadu Plum rubbed between my fingers and pat it lightly over my face.

I moisturise once again in the morning, only because I feel this helps to keep my skin hydrated and looking fresh when I tackle humid, dirty working conditions. I also use the 10ml pots as a lip balm when I work underground as it’s wonderfully moisturising.

A little of the product goes a long way to nourish your skin.

A convert? You bet I am.
…and I’m often complimented on the condition of my skin.

Try it for yourself and you’ll notice the difference too ” ~ Cindy

Dry Skin Trial Pack – 9g (10mL) Minis

From: $36

These are our suggestions for Dry or Sun Damaged Skin
With this trial pack, you can see which suits you best…

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Sensitive Skin Trial Pack – 9g (10mL) Minis

From: $36

These are our recommendations for Sensitive Skin
With this trial pack, you can see which suits you best…

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Redness Prone Skin Trial Pack – 9g (10mL) Minis

From: $36

These are our recommendations for skin that’s prone to redness or skin reddening conditions
With this trial pack, you can see which suits you best…

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Dry Skin Conditions Trial Pack – 9g (10mL) Minis

From: $24

These are our suggestions for trying on skin prone to dry skin conditions.
With this trial pack, you can see which suits you best…

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Breakout Prone Skin Trial Pack – 9g (10mL) Minis

From: $36

These are our recommendations for skin that’s prone to breakouts
With this trial pack, you can see which suits you best…

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Combination / Normal Skin Trial Pack – 9g (10mL) Minis

From: $36

These are our recommendations for Combination / Normal Skin
With this trial pack, you can see which suits you best…

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We are beyond happy for Cindy!

It’s such a massive win when you find something that’s simple and natural, but also works well to keep your skin clean and hydrated in harsh conditions …and so much so, that other people notice too!

Now you might be wondering why ‘beef tallow’ makes sense…?

Grass-fed tallow is a gently rendered fat (like emu oil), but it comes from healthy, grass-fed cows

(so this isn’t for our vegan friends!)

Grass-fed tallow might be ‘little known’ now… but everyone from the Aboriginal Australians to our great grandmothers used to use traditional animal fats like tallow, for everything from burns and chafing to blisters and wound healing.

Grass-fed tallow is the hero ingredient in our Ecology Creams…

…and the reason why grass-fed tallow is so amazing for skin?

  1. It really closely mimics fats and oils found naturally in healthy, youthful skin.
  2. It contains fat soluble vitamins A, D, E & K …all of which are crucial for healthy skin (some of these are also antioxidants)
  3. It’s balanced in omega 3’s and 6’s …both are important for healthy skin and balancing immune function

So this means grass-fed tallow can help replace missing oils in skin’s outer layer …keeping moisture IN and allergens and irritants OUT.

…and helping to calm redness and leave sensitive skin looking plump and well hydrated.

Not only that, as we get older, our skin produces less of those lipids (the fats and oils) that keep it soft, supple and youthful looking.
…so grass-fed tallow is putting back what time and a harsh environment takes away.

So why is it the big brand moisturisers fail to really hydrate dry skin?

It’s because big brand moisturisers are typically 50-80% water (or aqua)

Take a look and you’ll see water as a first ingredient in many of these products.
But this means, there’s only 20-50% left for the skin nourishing ingredients.

Compare this to the Ecology Moisturisers..
they’re are 100% natural fats and oils (no water), so they’re highly concentrated to better soften skin and smooth out the look of fine lines.

Like Cindy, I have a drive to use natural products on my skin.

But my super sensitive skin and skin issues meant I couldn’t just use ANY natural product because my skin would react…
…which is what led me to developing the Ecology Creams in the first place.
…and once I found something that worked well for me and I wanted to share it with others

And because I know how important it can be to try a ‘trial size’ of something before getting a larger size, we’ve put together Trial Packs of our Ecology Creams.

You can now try a 2-pack or 3-pack of our 10mL mini moisturisers from only $18 (so only $9 per moisturiser) …and get free shipping when you use the code: TRIAL at checkout

and see for yourself the difference an Ecology Moisturiser can make for dry skin

(this is a great size! It’ll last a couple of weeks, long enough to see the softening effect for yourself)

So click on the button below that best describes your skin to see which moisturisers are right for you…

Ecology Skincare

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