Meet Sue – “My medication made it almost impossible to have hydrated skin… now the itches and dreaded scaly legs are gone”

From harsh north west Queensland to Tassie, Sue’s Replenishing Cream has helped keep her super dry skin hydrated and ‘itch-free’ even while taking her blood pressure medication. 

This is Sue’s story…

“My legs, arms, chest and neck were so dry! …Nothing seemed to work, I tried them all – moisturisers, oils, even heavier ointments. They were either too thin, or too thick and sticky.

My super dry skin was due partly to diuretic medication used as part of my high blood pressure medication. My skin was normally on the dry side, but I found that this medication made it almost impossible to have hydrated skin.

Living in a hot, dry climate at the time didn’t help much either, so many moisturisers didn’t have any staying power, and heavier ones made you feel overheated, and as though your skin couldn’t breathe.
Even though we’ve now moved from the harsh climate of northwest Queensland to Tasmania, my medication is still the same, so adequate hydration for my skin was hard to find.
I’d tried sorbeline, intensive care, moisturising oils, even pawpaw ointment. None performed as well as Ecology moisturisers, I’ve finally found relief with your wonderful product.

Now, with daily use of Replenishing Day and Night Cream, my skin feels so much smoother, the itches are gone, as are the dreaded scaly legs! …I’m converted!

Application is so easy, rub some between your hands and smooth it on, it spreads nicely, and is so soothing straight away.
After trying the minis, I decided that the sensitive skin replenishing was the go, as I liked the vanilla-ish fragrance and being for sensitive skin, it would be the better choice for face as well as body.
I was impressed firstly by the natural scents, but the moisturising capabilities are awesome!

The samples make it easy to decide which one suits best, or even use all three however the need or mood desires. I find the 100ml size tin is good value, lasts about a month, perfect for day to day use, and not too big for travel either.

I would recommend trying the minis first to see which suits best, then the 100g size so you’ll be absolutely covered.” ~ Sue

Dry Skin Trial Pack – 9g (10mL) Minis

From: $36

These are our suggestions for Dry or Sun Damaged Skin
With this trial pack, you can see which suits you best…

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Sensitive Skin Trial Pack – 9g (10mL) Minis

From: $36

These are our recommendations for Sensitive Skin
With this trial pack, you can see which suits you best…

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Redness Prone Skin Trial Pack – 9g (10mL) Minis

From: $36

These are our recommendations for skin that’s prone to redness or skin reddening conditions
With this trial pack, you can see which suits you best…

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Dry Skin Conditions Trial Pack – 9g (10mL) Minis

From: $24

These are our suggestions for trying on skin prone to dry skin conditions.
With this trial pack, you can see which suits you best…

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Breakout Prone Skin Trial Pack – 9g (10mL) Minis

From: $36

These are our recommendations for skin that’s prone to breakouts
With this trial pack, you can see which suits you best…

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Combination / Normal Skin Trial Pack – 9g (10mL) Minis

From: $36

These are our recommendations for Combination / Normal Skin
With this trial pack, you can see which suits you best…

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We are beyond happy for Sue!

It’s such a massive win when you finally find something that soothes itchy, dry skin and softens scaly legs… even in the face of ‘skin-drying medication’.

Now you might be wondering why Sue’s Replenishing Cream works so well for her, when so many other moisturisers, oils and ointments didn’t…?

It’s because the Ecology Creams are handmade with a little known ingredient called grass-fed tallow.

Grass-fed tallow is a gently rendered fat (like emu oil), but it comes from healthy, grass-fed cows

(so this isn’t for our vegan friends!)

Grass-fed tallow might be ‘little known’ now… but everyone from the Aboriginal Australians to our great grandmothers used to use traditional animal fats like tallow, for everything from burns and chafing to blisters and wound healing.

And the reason why grass-fed tallow is so amazing for skin?

  1. It really closely mimics fats and oils found naturally in healthy, youthful skin.
  2. It contains fat soluble vitamins A, D, E & K …all of which are crucial for healthy skin (some of these are also antioxidants)
  3. It’s balanced in omega 3’s and 6’s …both are important for healthy skin and balancing immune function

So this means grass-fed tallow can help replace missing oils in skin’s outer layer …keeping moisture IN and allergens and irritants OUT.

…and helping to calm itching and leave sensitive skin looking plump and well hydrated.

Not only that, as we get older, our skin produces less of those lipids (the fats and oils) that keep it soft, supple and youthful looking.
…so grass-fed tallow is putting back what time and a harsh environment takes away.

So why is it the big brand moisturisers fail to really nourish super dry skin?

It’s because big brand moisturisers are typically 50-80% water (or aqua)

Take a look and you’ll see water as a first ingredient in many of these products.
But this means, there’s only 20-50% left for the skin nourishing ingredients.

Compare this to the Ecology Moisturisers..
they’re are 100% natural fats and oils (no water), so they’re highly concentrated to better soften skin and smooth out the look of fine lines.

Like Sue, I have super sensitive skin that’s also often dry due to an autoimmune condition.

My super sensitive skin and skin issues are what led me to developing the Ecology Creams in the first place.
…I’d finally found something that worked well for me and I wanted to share it with others

And because I know how important it can be to try a ‘trial size’ of something before getting a larger size, we’ve put together Trial Packs of our Ecology Creams.

You can now try a 2-pack or 3-pack of our 10mL mini moisturisers from only $18 (so only $9 per moisturiser) …and get free shipping when you use the code: TRIAL at checkout

and see for yourself the difference an Ecology Moisturiser can make for sensitive and problem skin

(this is a great size! It’ll last a couple of weeks, long enough to see the softening effect for yourself)

So click on the button below that best describes your skin to see which moisturisers are right for you…

Ecology Skincare


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