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[email protected]        p: 0437 822 334

Want soft, smooth, calm looking skin?

Here’s 5 Reasons Why You’ll love Ecology Skincare’s
Natural Tallow-based Moisturisers for Dry Skin Conditions 

#1. Healthy skin needs healthy fats – like those in grass-fed tallow

Grass-fed tallow contains the same lipids found naturally in healthy skin.

Which means grass-fed tallow can help replace missing components in our skin’s barrier function to hydrate dry, scaly skin… soothe dry itchy, flaky skin… and calm red and easily irritated skin.

(not sure what grass-fed tallow is? …it’s like emu oil, but it comes from healthy grass-fed cows – so this isn’t for our vegan friends)

#2. A little goes a long way to deeply moisturise dry, scaly skin 

Our Ecology Moisturisers are 100% natural fats and oils
(with grass-fed tallow as our hero ingredient)

There’s no water, no fillers, no preservatives.

Which means our Ecology Moisturisers are highly concentrated to lock in moisture – softening and protecting dry skin and helping to hydrate and replenish damaged skin.

(compare this to most big brand moisturisers which are 50-80% water with only 20-50% skin nourishing ingredients)

#3. Soothe the feel of dry itchy, scratchy skin 

Constant itching from dry skin drives us to scratch – making the itch worse and damaging skin’s barrier function, letting moisture out and irritants into skin.

Our grass-fed tallow based moisturisers help to protect skin and soothe that dry itchy feeling.

breaking the itch-scratch cycle and allowing dry and damaged skin to recover.

#4. Calming the look of red and easily irritated skin

Cholesterol is an important part of our skin’s barrier function – which acts like a living wall to keep moisture in and allergens and irritants out of skin.

But cholesterol is found in so few products.

It’s in our Ecology Moisturisers (as it’s a natural component of grass-fed tallow) …where it helps fill gaps in skin’s barrier function, supporting the living wall and protecting skin from moisture loss.

Grass-fed tallow is also naturally balanced in omega 3’s and 6’s – important for skin health.

#5. Simple Ingredients. Simple Products

Our sensitive skin moisturisers have simple formulations.

They are handmade with  only a handful of recognisable ingredients.

This helps to reduce skin’s exposure to the high number of complex components typically found in plant based oils.

And less ingredients in our Ecology Moisturisers means less chance of skin reacting and a higher chance of skin being happy with these moisturisers!


Don’t just take our word for it…

Meet Bronwyn – “this product is the only product that I don’t react to – I am totally addicted!”

“Heavenly Rich. Cannot live without this cream, after suffering badly with [a dry skin condition] for years especially on my face and neck this product is the only product that I don’t react to – I am totally addicted!”

Read Bronwyn's story

Meet Zofia – “The Ecology Skincare cream really is a game changer for me”

“I have to hydrate a few times a day, and sometimes when I forget my cream when I work from the office, it becomes extremely uncomfortable, itchy and dry…
And then I found Ecology Skincare 🙂
I feel much more confident when my face is not covered in flaky dry skin and is not that itchy.”

Read Zofia's story


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All prices are in Australian Dollars (AUD) and are GST inclusive